ponedeljek, 4. februar 2013

Essence discontinued polishes

It's that time of the year again. Essence is yet again discontinuing some of their stuff. I'm mostly interested in nail polishes, and here are the ones I have:

Nude glam 06 Cookies & cream
I'm in love! I've tried it for the first time and I'm already thinking about getting a back-up. This is beautiful! It's so elegant, for me perfect nude colour with small gold shimmer that is also visible on the nail. The appliacation is great, first coat a bit streaky, but after the second coat the fairytale is here! It dries fast. I'd totally recommend you this one, no matter what skin tipe you are. My cousin has darker skin then me, and she also loves this polish!

Colour & go 119 Boho chic
This is one of the shades I wouldn't buy myslef. But I got it as a gift from my sister. I don't like it all that much to tell you the truth. It's nice, but it's not really my shade. I like the flakies, they give the polish much needed *bling*, since the base colour of this is muted orange. It needs three coats for full coverage, another minus. What can I say, I'm not a fan of this colour, sorry. Also, the removal is kind of a pain, you get the flakies everywhere -.-

Colour & go 135 I'm bluetiful
This is much more like it! Two coater(one thicker might be enough), with no application problems and normal drying time. This is a beautiful blue creme with bigger silver glitters. Another one I'm sad to see it go.

Colour3 04 A walk in the park
This is a duo nail polish. The base part is amazing! Darker green with green shimmer <3 It needed two coats for full opacity. No problems with application. The layering side is sheer with blue shimmer and some small yellow flakies. But the flakies are really small =) You can see the layering side on its own on my ring finger and the base side on its own on my middle finger. I actually like the base part on its own the most. I do like the layering side, but not over this. I'l have to try it over something else. I'll think about it =)

Colour3 Shopping trip in Soho
Another duo polish. The base part here is pink with pink shimmer, that's not so visible on the nail. The layering part is pink with pink shimmer and pink and blue/purple flakies.Actually the layering part is opaque enough to wear it on its own - you can see that on my ring finger(3 coats). The base part is opaque with two coats. It applies like a butter =) I like this one a lot. I like all three parts and each individually!

Colour3 01 Midnight date

This is my absolute favourite! Beauty, beauty <3 The base is dark blue with green shimmer, stunning, I tell you! It's opaque with two coats and it goes on flawlessly. It's on its own on my middle finger. The layering part are green flakes in purple base, not really opaque, but great for layering.You can see it three coats on my ring finger.

Nail art Special effect! Topper 11 Disco, disco

This glitter polish is ment as a layering polish. The polish consist of different sizes of round and square silver glitters. I've had some problems with the application - the glitters don't really come as easily on the nails as I'd hoped for. I've got one coat on my index finger, two coats on my middle finger, three coats on my ring finger and four coats on my little finger. I like this polish, and I think it'll be great for sponging! =)

I know I'm probably missing some other beautiful polishes, that are going to be discontinued. If you have your favourite I don't have, please, do let me know! =)

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